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Preschool Program

Our preschool program is Mandarin - English bilingual Montessori program. Our goal is to help children become independent and self-motivated learners. In this program, we provide our students in preschool and kindergarten with a solid foundation in all academic areas and opportunities for learning and speaking Mandarin as a second language. We encourage our students to explore what interests them and learn from their curiosities. Our early childhood program follows a curriculum that includes a wide variety of topics to stimulate your child’s mind and help them develop new skills.


Curriculum Includes:

  • Language

  • Math

  • Science

  • Music

  • Sensorial Activities

  • Practical Life Activities


We target children from 18 months to 5.5 years old. Our teacher - student ratio is 1:8. The small-sized and high-quality Mandarin Immersion Preschool programs provide environments and experiences that encourage active, playful exploration and experimentation. We customize educational services based on every child’s unique needs and strengths with love and care. All of our preschool teachers hold AMI or AMS certificates that qualified in Montessori education, with early childhood education teaching backgrounds. 

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